Index to a volume of the papers of The New Haven Colony Historical Society for the Year 188?. If you would like to see any of these topics on-line drop me an e-mail at and I'll scan, OCR, and upload them
Go to Headstones in Guilford Cemeterys prior to 1800
Adams, John Quincy, Counsel in the Amistad case, 346, e.t seq.; letter to
Roger S. Baldwin, 361.
Albany. manners and customs of, in 1783, 194-200.
Albatross, the, 30.
Amistad, The case of the, 331.
Andrews, Rev. W. G., Paper on the
Trading house on the Paugasset, 371.
Annual Address of the President for 1886, 397.
Ashley, Dr. Israel, 278.
Ashley, Rev. John, 289.
Ashley, Rev. Jonathan, 262.
Assemblies, dancing, 201, 202.
Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations, Milan Conference of, 369.
Atwater, Rev. Jason, 325.
Austin, Elijah, 3.
Backus, Rev. Simon. 262.
Badger, Rev. Jos., 261.
Baker, Samuel, 312.
Baldwin, Rev. Ashbel, 327.
Baldwin, Rev. Elijah C., Paper on Branford Annals, by,. 299.
Baldwin, Michael, 406.
Baldwin, Roger S., Arguments in the Amistad case, 339, et seq.
Baldwin, Simeon E., Paper on the Amistad case, 331; Annual Address as
President of the Society, for 1886, 397.
Bartholomew, Dr. Isaac, 301.
Basbee Islands, 25.
Beers, Isaac, 126.
Berkshire Co., Mass., 258.
Bezoar Stone, 43.
Birmingham, Borough votes in, 179, 182.
Bishop, Samuel, 135.
Blackstone, John, 303.
Blue Meeting-house, 120.
Boroughs in Connecticut, 139.
Boutz, Oliver, 243.
Bowery, 236.
Brainerd, Rev. David, 272.
Branford Annals, 299.
Brauford, population in 1733, 311.
Brewer, Dr. Chauncey, 278.
Bridge, Rev. Thos., 219.
Bright, Rev. Jas., 261.
British Invasion of New Haven, 245.
Brooks, Erastus, obituary notice of, 402.
Brown University, 205.
Buell, Abel, 127.
Bull, Rev. Nehemiab, 268.
Bunker, Capt. David, 16, 20.
Butler, Rev. Amos, 269.
Canton, Voyage to, 1; Description of, 87.
Cape de Verd Islands, 10.
Carter, Calvin H., Paper on Connecticut Boroughs, 139.
Celery, 33.
Charlestown, rebuilding of; 206.
Childs, Rhoda, 376.
Chinese, Manners of, 87.
Cinque, the Amistad chief, 332; portrait of, 341.
City, organization of New Raven, 131.
Clinton, Rev. Isaac. 267.
Coleman, Dr. Seth, 278.
Collins, Rev. Daniel, 288.
Comstock, Miss Polly, 203.
Connecticut Journal, The, 122.
Cook, Dyer, 249.
Cook, Capt. Jas., 65, 71.
Cooley, Rev. Timothy M., 262.
Croswell, Frederick, 399.
Curtis, Richard, 87.
Dancing parties, 201.
Davis, Isaac, 59.
Dean's Island, 88.
Delaware Bay, New Raven's Adventure at, 209.
Dexter, F. B., Paper on New Haven in 1784, 117.
Doolittle, Rev. Benj., 265, 275.
Douglass, Cal. Win., 317.
Doaglass, William, 318.
Dutch, conversation in, 200.
Dutch funerals, 195, 197.
Dwight, Josiah, 291.
Dwight, Hon. Timothy, 297.
Easter, 199.
Eaton, Prof. Daniel C., Paper on Family of Nathaniel Eaton, 189.
Eaton, Nathaniel, family of. 185.
Eaton, Richard, will of, 185.
Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, 264, 270, 286, 294.
Edwards, Pierpont, 136.
Eels, Rev. Sam'l, 328.
Elderkin, Capt. Elisha, 233, 4.
Elmer, Rev. Daniel, 221.
Episcopal Church, in Branford, 327.
Falkland Islands, 17, 28.
Field, Rev. David D., 287.
Field, Ebenezer, 277.
Filer, Geo., 276.
Fitch, Ebenezer, 280
Foote, Lucinda, 316.
Forbes, Dr. David, 50.
Forward, Rev. Abel, 267.
Forward, Rev. Justus, 260.
Foster, E. K., 399.
Funerals, Dutch, 195, 197.
Galpin, Philip S., 399.
Gibbs, Prof. J. W., 337.
Goodyear, Gov. Stephen, 392.
Gould, Dr. Richard, 301.
Gould, Dr. Win., 301.
Great Awakening, The, 314.
Green, New Haven in 1784, 121.
Greene, Capt. Daniel, 1, 3.
Gridley, Rev. Elijah, 262.
Griswold, Leverett, 103.
Griswold, Rev. Silvanus, 269.
Guilford. Borough of, 176; Cemeteries in, 405; inscriptions on tombstones in. 405.
Guon, Dr. Moses, 278.
Hadley Grammar School, 280.
Hale, Rev. Enoch, 268.
Haley, Lady, 27.
Half-way Covenant, 318.
Hallock, Rev. Moses, 266.
Harrison, Rev. Roger, 267.
Harvard College, appearance of, in 1784, 205.
Hastings, Dr. Thos., 276.
Hawley, Joseph, 297.
Hawley, Rev. Jos., 292.
Hayes, Ezekiel, 314.
Hodges, Rev. A. C., Paper on Yule Graduates in Western Massachusetts, 253.
Hollingshead, Rev. Win., 224.
Hong Merchants, 98.
hooker, Rev. John ,264.
Hopkins, Coy. Edward, 280.
Hopkins, Col. Mark, 290.
Hopkins, Rev. Samuel, 263, 268.
Hopkins Grammar School, old site of, 121. 398.
Housatonic River, original Indian name, 391.
Howe, Henry, Editor of Th. Painter's Diary, 331.
Howell, Howell ap, 220.
Hubbard, Rev. John, 265.
Hubbard, Rev. Jonathan, 288.
Hubbard, Rev. Robert, 266.
Huntington, Rev. Lynde, 327.
Ingersoll, Ralph I., argument in Arnistad case, 340.
Inoculation, 196, 203, 244.
Isle of May, 10.
Ives, Rev. Jesse, 264.
Jason Islands, 14.
Johnson, Nathaniel, 302.
Jones, James, 23.
Juan Fernandez Islands, 47.
Judd, Rev. Jonathan, 266.
Ka-le, letter to John Quincy Adams, 354.
Kieft, Coy., letters to Gov. Eaton, 371.
La Fayette, Boston visit of, 207.
LaPlata River, 41.
Ladrones, 90.
Lamberton, Capt. Geo., 213.
Lathrop, Rev. Jos., 268.
Leavitt, Rev. Jonathan, 261.
Leverich, Joseph, 27.
Levermore, C. H., History of New Haven by, 402.
Line, Crossing the, 7.
Lyman, Rev. tos., 263.
Lyman, Phinehas, 297.
Lynn, 206.
Macao roads, 83.
Marblehead, 206.
Massachusetts, Yale Graduates in Western, 253.
Mather, Dr. SamI, 2~8.
MeKinstry, Rev. John, 267.
Mendi n,ission, 364.
Milford Hill, Battle of, 329.
Merrick, Rev. Jonathan, 306.
Miller, Rev. Albert P., 364.
Miller, Mrs. Win., 276.
Mills, Rev. Benj., 261.
Moss, Rev. Reuben. 268, 279.
Nash, Rev. Judah, 264.
Neptune, Voyage of, 1.
New Brick Church, 119.
New Haven, City of, in 1784, 117 history of Republic of, 402; 250th year of town of, 402.
New Haven Gazette, The, 127.
New Haven Colony Historical Society, Past and Future of, 397.
New York City, appearance in 1780, 236.
Newton, Rev. Roger, 263.
North Branford Society, 305.
Northford, 315, 6.
Norton, Rev. John, 261.
Qantenock River, 391.
Old Hampshire County, 258.
Osborn, Rev. Ethan, 226.
Owyhee Island, 53.
Painter, Thos., Diary of; 231.
Parris, Rev. N., 220.
Patagonians, 41.
Patterson, Col. John, 290.
Paugasset River, Trading-house on, 371.
Pause festival, 199.
Penang, 105.
Peters' History of Connecticut, 202.
Pierpont Neck, 209.
Port Desire, 22.
Port Egmont. 29.
Porter, Eleazar, 292.
Prison Ship, 250
Privateering, Revolutionary, 234.
Prout house, 5.
Quarter-day, 203.
Ramsay, Rev. Win., 223.
Rebatter, Peter, 26.
Reed, Rev. Sam'l, 268.
Reeve, Rev. Ezra, 264.
Riley, Win., 103.
Revolutionary War, Painter's Reminiscences of; 231; celebration of peace, 198.
Rosewell, Win., 300.
Rossean, Sebastian, 39.
Robbins, Rev. Phileinon, 310.
Russell, Rev. Sain'l, 299, 310.
Sabbath-day houses, 301.
Sahin, Rev. Abishal, 264.
Saltonslall, Gov. Gurdon, 300.
Saltonstall Iron Works, 300.
Saltonstall, Mill at Lake, 313.
Sandwich Islands, 53.
Saybrook Platform, renounced, 323.
Sealing, history of American, 3.
Sears, King, Grave of, 88.
Sedgwick, Theodore, 289, 290.
Sergeant, Dr. Erastus, 288.
Sergeant, Rev. John, 285.
Sherman, Roger, 134.
Sherman, Rev. Samuel, 308, 9.
Sherwin, Rev. Jacob, 288.
Shipman, Elias, 251.
Slaves in New Haven, 130.
Smith, Rev. Jedectiab, 262.
Smith, Rev. Jos., 220.
South Pacific, Voyage to, 1.
Southhold, 212.
Spalding, Rev. Josiah, 261.
St. Ambrose Island, 51.
St. Jago, 12.
Stamford, borough of, 1 66.
Staples, Seth P., argument in the .Amistad case, 339.
State House, of 1761, 119.
State House, use of, by the Society, 401
States Harbor, 3, 27.
Stockbridge, Congress of 1174, 289.
Stone, Rev. Timothy, 306.
Storrs, Rev. R. 5., 264.
Strong, Rev. Jos., 264.
Strong, Simeun, 292.
Strong, Simeon, Jr, 292.
Stuyvesant, Gov., Letters to New Haven from, 376.
Sunday observance, 195.
Swan Island, 3.
Teas, 95.
Tenian Island, 80.
Thanksgiving Day, appointed by Congress, 196.
The Albion, 210.
The Alexander, 112.
The Amistad, 331.
The Betsey, 24.
The Captain Hathaway, 10.
The Eliza, 10.
The Firebrand, 247.
The Fourye, 234.
The Friends, 25.
The Eunice, 248.
The Garland, 25, 27.
The Harlequin, 13.
The Hatty, 41, 248.
The Lady Haley, 3, 27.
The Lydia, 25.
The Olive Branch, 25.
The Patty, 248.
The Rising. Sun, 248.
Theatres, Chinese, 101.
Tombstones, Inscriptions on, in Guilford, 405.
Tories, 135.
Townsend, Ebenezer, Jr., Diary of, 1.
Townsend, Rev. Jesse, 266.
Trading.honse on the Paugasset River, 371.
Tritton, Win., 26.
Trowbridge, Thus. R., 379.
Trowbridge, Thus. H., Jr., Preface by, to Diary of E. Townsend, Jr., 1.
Turner, Capt. Nathaniel, 213.
Tuttle, Rev. Moses, 262.
Tyler, Morris, 399.
Yan Horn, Dr. John, 278.
Wampog Indians, 381.
Wawyachtonock, 385.
Weantinuck, 385.
Wehster, Rev. Pelatiab, 263.
West, Rev. Stephen, 286.
West Haven, description of, 211.
West Haven, borough urganization, 142.
West Point, 29.
Westcar, Rev. John, 276.
Whigs, 135.
Whitaker, Rev. Dr. Epher, Paper on Delaware Bay Adventure, 209.
White Haven Society, 120.
Willard, President. of Harvard, 206.
Willard, Rev. Jus.. 267.
Williams, Rev. Solomon, 264.
Williams, Rev. Warham, 316.
Williston, Rev. Payson,J262.
Woodhull, Richard, 121.
Woodbridge, Rev. John, 266.
Woodhridge, Rev. Timothy, 263.
Woodward, Capt. Ruswell, 3.
Worth, Capt. Barzillai, 27.
Worthington, John, 291, 297.
Wright, Rev. Job, 26t.
Wright, Rhoda, 276.
Yale College, Buildings in 1784, 122; Commencement Day, 2045 paper controversies in 1 782,
199; religious character of, originally, 256.
Yale Graduates in Western Massachusetts, 253.
Yorkshire quarter, 118.
Young, John, 56.